★★★★ @DevonMonk #HellsSpells #BookReview

If you haven't read the latest book 6, Hell's Spells, you are missing out. I tried to wait until the next book comes out because I love this series and want to read the books one right after another. I couldn't wait and ended up devouring this book. Now I am all caught up with the series and eagerly anticipating the next book.
I love Delaney. She's my favourite character in this book. She's the big sister and as the bridge for the gods and demigods, a lot rests on her shoulder. With this latest book, I'm even more vested in the series and cannot wait to see how the ominous upcoming war will resolve.
This book starts off on a disturbing note. Delaney and Ryder seem to be on the outs. I'm quite alarmed as I really wanted them to be together. What is Ryder doing? His secretive work with late nights and constant out of town makes me nervous. On top of that, Delaney is blacking out and also hearing voices no one else can hear. What the ever loving f is going on?
What I love about Ms. Monk's stories is that there are twists and turns which catch me off guard. I can't always guess what is going on in that creative mind of hers. I enjoy this series so much because whilst some interpersonal skills are easy to predict amongst the citizens of Ordinary, the events ... not so much. This one is pretty cool and I hesitate to reveal too much because this story is best experienced firsthand. Suffice to say, the set up is well done and the outcome is surprising. There are several subplots taking place as well as a main story arc which I hope either concludes in the next book or the one after. I am eager to see what bad battle will be coming. I am also eager to see Delaney force a petulant god to backdown. I am curious to see how she and her sisters will handle it.
Whilst all this subplot is going on, the Valkyrie is on her usual community celebration warpath. Quite honestly, this little piece is my favourite throughout the series. Why? Because I love the small town getting into it and I would be a volunteer every single time. There are so many colourful side characters in this book to really take on the phrase, "Not my circus; not my monkeys". Unfortunately for Delaney, it is her circus and these are her monkeys. Complete with a spoiled demon identifying as a sparkly talking unicorn. Did I also mention that "Death" has a crush and the crush is now possibly visiting Ordinary? This urban fantasy with a twist of romance is recommended to readers who want to be transported to extraordinary world.