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Review: In Isabeau's Eyes by Lora Leigh

★★★★ #Netgalley #InIsabeausEyes

New spin-off series of the Nauti Boy! I am beyond thrilled to pick up this book and read it. I have been a fan of this Nauti world since the first book came out. Isabeau's Eyes continues with the next generation of the MacKays and their Nauti kids. This can be read as a standalone. Many of the characters from the previous series make cameos in this book. Reading the previous series would help make all the family and friend connections.

First of all, I love the name, Isabeau. She is a spunky woman with an inexpiable disability. She lost her eye sight during a traumatic childhood incident. Her brothers gather around her protectively and they tend to treat her like she's completely incapable of being on her own. This is standard protocol for any men in this series. Isabeau may not be a MacKay but the men in her family are all similar.

Second, this story is like coming back home to a familiar scent, feel, and taste. I say this because the story line is the same as the rest of the books in this world. The men are military backgrounds with secret clearances. The women are spunky and ready to go toe to toe with these alpha domineering men. There is nothing unexpected from a character development or a plot.

Third, the sexy times and erotic trademark Ms. Leigh. Smooth and easy, the sex is uncomplicated and a fun time. This book is a guilty pleasure with a straightforward plot, sexy obstinate men, fiery women, and backstabbing.

This is a relaxing read to unwind and enjoy the ride. Recommended to erotic romance readers who love alpha males with mysteriously vague military backgrounds.

*provided by NetGalley

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