Spells for the Dead (Soulwood #5) Spells for the Dead by Faith Hunter
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Promoted from "probie" to now rookie, Nell is being run ragged with the latest case in her job. Nell is a Psyled agent who is making headway in her life outside the "church" she's been raised. I love this series because Nell is such a unique character. She is learning more about herself and her powers. There is no one to guide her with what she really is, except that she has an affinity to Earth and death sacrifice. She struggles with her powers because it can so easily become evil and her upbringing is in a community which heavily reminds all that "thou shalt not suffer a witch". For Nell, this latest case helps her on her magical journey as she learns how her power can be twisted and lured to the "dark side".
Ms. Hunter does a great job in this story setting up the police case for Nell and the PsyLed team. For those who enjoy following police procedures and detective work, this book is for you. I enjoyed following along and trying to piece all the clues together to come up with the right picture. I liked how several times, there were dead ends and mis-directions. As a once avid mystery reader, I've learned to always follow the money. And if it isn't money, then it is a crime of passion. This book dances between the two possible motives and brings it all together quite nicely at the end.
I enjoyed this story because of all the elements which worked well together. We basically live a "day in the life" of Nell. She is a fascinating creature as we watch her try to figure out what is causing the death. Her professional demeanor is so different than the rest of her team. She's a strong and silent type. She's not flashy but she is quirky and stands out. This is more than just all business as we also witness Nell interact with her family. She is no longer estranged and they are slowly healing the rift. What I appreciate is how Ms. Hunter does not paint the cult Nell grow up in as crazy lunatic "sister-wives". Instead, we see the pros and cons of this lifestyle. And that it may work for some but not for all. We also see how Nell uses the best parts of how she grew up in her daily work. It's an interesting mix. Lastly, the romantic element for Nell is sweet and slow. It matches her personality and it is so good to see. This paranormal romance is recommended to readers who enjoy mysteries, familial drama and a tasty dose of romance.
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