La Crimson Femme
May 28, 2021
Review: Nirvana by J.R. Stewart
★★ ½ #Nirvana #Netgalley The length it took me to finally get around to reading this book is not indictive of the book rating. I...

La Crimson Femme
Feb 21, 2021
Review: The Russian Cage by Charlaine Harris
★★★★ @realcharlaine #bookreview #netgalley #TheRussianCage Determined, resourceful and ever faithful, Lizbeth returns to Eli's side in an...

La Crimson Femme
Apr 26, 2012
Review: Counterpunch by Aleksandr Voinov
★★★★ I'm not sure what my problem was in avoiding this book. I think my friends needed to kick my derriere a bit harder so I would have...
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