La Crimson Femme
Feb 6, 2021
Review: The Persuasion by Iris Johansen
★ Never thought the day would come that I would rate an Iris Johansen book a one star. Especially as I have liked both the main...
La Crimson Femme
Jun 5, 2012
Review: Taken by Lilith Saintcrow
I never thought there would be a day that I'd rate a Ms. Saintcrow book as I hated it. I did. Maybe it is because she published it under...

La Crimson Femme
Mar 31, 2011
Review: Topping from Below by Laura Reese
★ This was one of the books in my GR's book of the month in March 2011. I read this and honestly, it shows a bad side of BDSM that I'm...