★★★ ½

This is tale starts out bleak and heartbreaking. It makes me wonder if perhaps we have too many humans in the world which makes us care less about our fellow humans. Because it is clear that life is not considered precious by many. This young single female who wanted so desperately to do right and at ever turn, went wrong is an ugly truth that we see over and over again. All this potential wasted. Whilst this book is about kidnapping, torture, and murder, I spent more time thinking about what can be done to help those who are spiraling out of control.
The detective work by Eve and her team is superb as always. Seeing Roake help out is the norm. If he didn't show up to help, I'd think something is wrong with their marriage. As I follow along with the story, I cannot help but think of other things. Specifically the situation which cause the man to lose it. The serial killer in this case is a man who keeps finding women who he wants to replace his mom. This situation is sad and I feel for the guy. Not that he's doing the right thing, but some of his issues stem from abandonment.
Whilst I understand some children, very few of them are born as psychopaths, the troubled ones seem to stem from a handful of variables. Utmost a feeling of abandonment and the lack of love and support. It makes me wonder if a person is given a chance to reset, with their history wiped clean, what would happen? What would happen if they were given a hand to lift them up instead of a hand to push them down. It appears Ms. Robb may wonder the same. She explores this concept and I have to say, I like the path she took it. It makes me wonder about ways to help the youth who need that chance to come to their epiphany. Because as we all know, no one can force a change upon another person. That person will need to choose to change . . . either from desire or duress. It is still a choice made by the person.
This story made me think a bit and I like when this happens. I probably won't read it again, but I did feel moved by the plight of those who are lost in the shuffle. It renews my desire and plan to work with underprivileged youths who have been swept under the rug. This murder mystery is recommended to readers who enjoy speculative fiction with cold hard detective work.