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  • Writer's pictureLa Crimson Femme

Review: Last Liar Standing by Danielle M. Wong

★★★★★ @daniellemwong @RAPublishing #LastLiarStanding #MustRead

Thirteen secrets seem to be a lot of secrets to remember. Is it a large number or a small one? I never thought about it until reading this book. Last Liar Standing came into my purview via Red Adept Publishing's email. I generally do not read pure mystery/suspense/thriller, but this cover caught my attention. Then I actually read the blurb which intrigued me. For long-time followers, you know my MO is to go into a book completely cold. What sold me is the author's name. I am going to show my bias here. I cannot remember the last time I saw an Asian female author in this genre. At least, not here in the States. I felt I should at least give this new-to-me author a chance in solidarity with being Asian. After reading this book, let me be clear . . . I would read anything Ms. Wong wrote, regardless of her ethnicity. She is now an auto-read author for me. For this, I thank Red Adept Publishing for introducing me to a bright new star.

From the very first page, I was pulled into this book. I made the mistake of starting this book on the treadmill with no time limit set for the finish. Had I not looked down at the elapsed time and realized I would be late for work, I would have probably finished this entire book in the little over two hours it took to read it. My steps would have been amazing that day. I would have probably also been a bit sore. I didn't even notice I was on the treadmill for nearly 30 minutes as I was so vested in the story and trying to figure out what happened next.

Vonny is terrified of someone or something. This is clear from the start of the book. Then she's in a hit-and-run which causes her amnesia. From there on out, it's a terrifying journey trying to piece together what is going on. I LOVED IT. I never knew what would happen. There are clues along the way and each one adds to the story and yet still keeps me puzzled. Vonny's life is a control freak's nightmare. The emotional turmoil Vonny experiences is extreme and Ms. Wong is adept at pulling the reader along to feel every bit of it. Ms. Wong's writing voice appeals to me in its subtle and masterful way of painting a clear picture of each scene. I can totally see this book made into a thriller suspense movie.

The twists and turns in the plot for this story is what kept the tension high and my attention completely riveted. When the end happens I am gobsmacked and loved it. Ms. Wong uses a technique to compress a timeline that is done so very well. Very few authors have mastered it as well as she demonstrates it. I loved this book and I highly recommend it to all readers who enjoy a good suspense/thriller novel.

* I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book provided by Red Adept Publishing


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