I am a huge fan of Ms. Arthur. Her first book in this new series pulled me right in. There are dragons! I love dragons and want to learn more. The second book is a bit of a letdown and I hoped for more books in this series. Since there are only two books, my guess is that it never took off which is unfortunate.
This world has the potential to go so much more. Mercy is our key character here and she's similar to the dragon shifters in the previous book. Something is going on with dragons. Something nefarious and as a report, Mercy is going to investigate and find herself in a whole boat load of trouble.
I read this book years ago and enjoyed the conspiracies. The dragon mythos here is a bit different than other ones I have read. I really wanted to see more in this world. I wanted to learn more about the evil people behind the killings of dragons. I wish more was known about the society of dragons. Ms. Arthur does tend to write series and then end them before the reader is ready. This one I think just didn't catch on so she switched to something else. I do know that anytime I see Ms. Arthur's name, I will always pick up the book and read it. She is a must read author. This paranormal romance is recommended for dragon lovers.