The second half to Derek and Kora's romance concludes in this action packed tale. This book should be read after the first book. When we last saw Derek, he sacrificed himself for Kora. Will love conquer all in this tale of greed, power struggles, and betrayal?
There are multiple subplots going on in this story. Sometimes this creates a more layered story with depth. Sometimes, it just becomes confusing. For me, we are right at the precipice of going from a rich layered story to chaotic plot devices jumbled together. I personally enjoy multiple threads going on, but for new readers to this universe or even this series, it may be a bit much.
Our main story arc is moving with Derek and Kora fighting to get back to one another. Their struggles due to a heinous act perpetrated upon Derek is heartbreaking. I am not surprised at the length Kora goes to in order to bring Derek back to her. Her actions and sacrifice are a punch to the gut.
Whilst all this is going on, new magical beings pop up. Let's not forget about the mysterious entity wrecking havoc amongst the dragons. But wait, there's more. The star people are starting to congregate but there is some big drama that may come visit them all. So many shiny threads to follow, where will it end? Never. Just when I think a story is going to be finished, Ms. Grant adds more. Such is life? Nothing every stays the same and new conflicts arise.
I enjoyed having different characters from the various series and books show up in this story. It helps tie the different series together and also create a sense of community. I also like how no single supernatural here is all powerful. There is always a "kryptonite" of some sort to even the scales. Whilst this duology is complete, it leaves more questions and openings for a new story arc. I cannot want to see what comes out of Ms. Grant's creative mind. This paranormal romance is recommended to readers who enjoy love conquers all themes.
To read the rest of my review, click on the image below to see it on my website.
<a href='https://www.lacrimsonfemme.com/post/review-the-uncrowned-king-by-donna-grant'><img alt='Welcome to My Hoard' src='https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b787eb_4e374587dcde463a8eddb2acea6375b7~mv2.png'></img></a>
* I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.