Magical cats in a special place, called "Cat's Paw Cove". How delightful can this be? As it turns out, this is a wonderful holiday book to read. I picked this up specifically because of Ms. Sharon Buchbinder. I am glad I picked this up because each story is filled with warm fuzzies.
Tired of the gloom and doom of 2020? Dive into this anthology where the characters are also experiencing hardship. In each of these short stories, cats feature a prominent role in a little place named "Cat's Paw Cove". This is the tying theme between all the stories. I have to say, rarely do I come across an anthology tied with a recurring motif that works so well. Each of the authors puts their spin on cats in a place and each of the unique stories brings forth a sweet and happy ending. It is hard to choose which story I liked best because each of the tales are enchanting. The writing styles are all different. The stories are well edited and flowed smoothly. Many of these are new to me authors whom I now want to look up and see what other stories they have written.
This paranormal romance collection is recommended to cat lovers and those who wish to experience a little magic over the holiday season.