I'm persuaded yet again to like a character I should totally despise. How does Ms. Connolly do it? She creates these utterly detestable characters that have done wrong in my eyes. And then she flips it around and I understand why they did it, even if I don't agree with it. Usually the dumbass things they are doing another person a favour. Let's be clear. It is never a favour. It's hurtful and unnecessary. I digress.
Harper Walsh had her heart broken when her best friend just up and ended contact with her. Fred is the dumbass that does something only a stupid juvenile boy would think is a noble cause. He misses Harper and being able to be around her again gets him thinking about their past. Seriously, what delusion world is Fred living in? How can he be so dense? Does he not realize the amount of pain he caused Harper? And now he thinks that can be swept away? I'm aggravated on behalf of Harper just thinking about it. What pisses me off even more is Fred keeping contact with Harper's family on and off over the years. What the ever loving hell?
When Fred flounces back into Harper's life again, he has a new strategy to get her back. I'm flabbergasted. The gall of this man is incredible. But as always, once I hear his side of the story, I'm a little less indignant. It is clear that these two are good together, as best friends and lovers. Grown up Fred is . . . grown up.
This romance is hilarious at times and frustrating at times. The way Ms. Connolly pulls a reader's emotion left and right keeps me riveting and turning the pages. This romance is recommended to all contemporary romance readers who love second chance themes.
* I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.