★★★ ½ @LisaReneeJones #LucifersSin

The start of a new trilogy from talented Ms. Jones pulls me in and reminds me why I enjoyed her books so much. This is a spin-off from the Walker Security Series. I will need to go find the Walker Security books and binge-read them. Warning, this is a trilogy with a hook that makes a reader want to dive right into the next book. I personally don't consider it a cliffhanger, but at around the 70% mark, my anxiety increased as I wondered how this would all resolve in the next 30% of the book. Well... it doesn't. *Shakes fist in the air*
Lucifer's story is a mix between second chance romance and enemies-to-lovers mixed in with bullets flying suspense. The pace of this story kept me flipping the pages to see what would happen next. I liked both the characters - Lucifer and Ana. What I especially liked is how an event could be seen so differently. This is why I fully believe that every story has at least two sides to it.
This first book sets up the stage as we learn about how Lucifer and Ana meet. It is explosive and fast-forwarding to 6 years later, it seems their entire relationship is intense. They left on bad terms and their reunion is a high-octane confrontation on a couple of fronts. I like it. I also like the secondary characters and their peanut gallery snark. It keeps the storyline upbeat in a dire situation. I admire authors who can blend humour in with perfect timing during serious circumstances. The ending to this book definitely hooks me in and makes me count the days until the next book is released. This romantic suspense is recommended to readers who enjoy intrigue and action.
* I voluntarily reviewed an arc