★★★★★ @JayneAnnKrentz #NetGalley #SweetwaterandtheWitch #mustread #mustbuy

A delightful tale with suspense, danger, romance, and a sidekick Dust Bunny, Ms. Castle pens another winner. The Ghost Hunter series is one I have followed since the very first book. I loved all of them and this newest one goes into my re-read collection. This story contains adventure, a mystery, and new findings left by aliens. Most importantly, we meet a new Dust Bunny, Harriet who is too adorable to miss.
As with most of the books (maybe all the books) in this series, the female character is in an awkward job position. Ravenna switched her career from profiling criminals to matching dates. I never thought of these two professions as having something in common, yet they do. Ravenna is fortunate that if things do go drastically wrong, at least she has a very large family to support her. It seems her grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, siblings, and cousins all love her. She is pretty loveable so I can understand their affection.
The thorn in Ravenna's side is Ethan who seems to be unmatchable. As far as the romance build-up and how it goes between Ravenna and Ethan - pure Ms. Castle's style with zero surprises. There is something to be said about a guaranteed path to romance that is easily understood and anticipated. What makes this romance interesting are the "dates". Ethan and Ravenna's dates are what most people would consider an absolute disaster. Some of the are harrowing. Some of them are just plain cluster fucks. I am incredulous as one bad thing after another happens. And yet, Ms. Castle writes it in a way that injects humour at all the right times. I love it.
This story is rich in love, comedy, and familial bonds. Let us not forget our pen-loving Dust Bunny, Harriet. She did not steal the show for this book as other Dust Bunnies before her. She is still a great sidekick and too cute. Her antics and support of Ravenna enhances the story. This paranormal romance is recommended to readers who enjoy romantic comedies with an element of danger.
*provided by NetGalley