★★★★★ @authorlexiblake #bookreview #mustread
Let's end 2020 on a great note with one of my favourite authors, Ms. Blake. In this latest Thieves' book, a daughter lost is finally found, Summer is the daughter Kelsey did not mean to create and really did not want to give away. Summer knows about her mother but never heard the full story. Instead, she is a fugitive on the run. This book can be read as a standalone although I urge a reader to read the Thieves series first to better understand how Summer came to be and why she is in an alternate world.
This is a page turning story for sure. I have not been much of a fan of Merlin in any form, across most books I have read. In this reinterpretation of Merlin, it is downright nasty. Summer's mother, Zoey, seems to be the only one who can recognize this as her two husbands are Merlin sycophants. When Marcus and then Kelsey, Marcus' former lover, ends up in this world, it becomes quite a quest and journey. Previous plot lines from earlier books finally come to fruition. Specifically, Marcus finds his special one and a prophesy from long ago finally makes sense.
There is so much going on in this story, I hesitant to reveal any spoilers. Suffice to say, the world building is incredible as it ties yet another series together into a more complete world. And these different worlds aka planes of existence are fantastic. Ms. Blake creates a magical "Sliders" reality with solid character development and exciting plot. The story is pretty predictable in the villains and how each character would respond. The strength in Ms. Blake's writing has always been in character building and creating families - be it by blood or "found". This is a wonderful addition to the Thieves series by reuniting parents with a child they thought they lost forever. This ending is an expected cliffhanger. I am at the edge of my seat, waiting for the next book in the series. Will Merlin go down or will the Donovan-Quinn family get wiped out? The next book looks to be dark, action packed and hopefully bring a multiple arc/plot to an stunning conclusion.
This paranormal romance book is highly recommended to fantasy lovers.