La Crimson Femme
Mar 27, 2021
Review: Faithless in Death by J.D. Robb
★★★★ #FaithlessinDeath @jdrobbauthor #bookreview This latest in the series keeps me riveted and turning page after page. As usual, I...

La Crimson Femme
Dec 29, 2020
Review: Junkyard Cats by Faith Hunter
★★★★½ @HunterFaith #bookreview #JunkyardCats Cyperpunk lovers, there is a new author in town! I am a huge fan of Ms. Hunter with her...

La Crimson Femme
Nov 29, 2020
Review: Golden in Death By J.D. Robb
★★★★ @jdrobbauthor #bookreview #edelweiss When it comes to solid sleuthing and suspense, Ms. Robbs is a sure thing. In book 50 of the "In...
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La Crimson Femme
Apr 11, 2012
Review: Celebrity in Death by J.D. Robb
★★★ Eve is back in. If there is one thing I can say about Eve, is that she is consistent. She holds the bar high. She takes no shit...
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